Sunday, May 24, 2015


جلست على بساط من الحشائش الخضراء
و أشعة الشمس تتسلل بينها كما تتسلل بين شعرات رأسها الجميل
فتستثير قطرات ندى ضئيلة، تتبخر ناشرة عبق بلسم شعرها الممتلئ بروائح الورود
و تحس يدي بالبهجة، و  هي لا تدري هل هي التي تحتضن خصرها الرشيق، أم أن ثناياه التي تحتضن اليد السعيدة!
و تهتز الحشائش للنسمات المارة، التي تنبسط لها اساريري عندما تحمل العبق الى خلايا أنفي العطشى لرائحتها
و تلتقط أذني هانئة صوتها الرخيم، و هو يحمل رسائل من ماض سحيق، و أرض بعيدة، من رجل أسمه يوحي أنه من بلاد الرومان
يتحدث عن شجرة ونهر و فلسفة تعجز عن إحداث أثر أقوى منها و من هذه اللحظة الهانئة
حيث يستند ظهري لشجرة محظوظة، إذ يمتد دورها بخاصية الانتقالية، ليستند اليها ظهرها الرقيق، الذي تجذبه ضمة يدي الى صدري...

- فارس

Friday, May 08, 2015

Thank You!

In reading an article completely unrelated, I had what people refer to as a "light-bulb moment". It was this, I have actually learned something from people I loved, liked, disliked, hated, or otherwise known very briefly. I have learned something from people who wronged me, and people who helped me. Really, everyone I ever known, even in passing.

It's a continuing project. Really, I still find myself occasionally having to re-learn some of the lessons. I do want to be a better person. Sometimes it's hard to apply some of the lessons I learn. Really however, I am honestly and genuinely thankful to everyone whom I ever known. You've (I hope) made me a better person. Thank you!

Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Birthday Wishes!

a year went by and the rules to the tee,
say that so many people, very dear to me
have grown a year wiser and more mature,
like circles, in the trunk of a tree

so here I salute you, sons and daughters of May
I wish you wealth, and for your health I pray
if you ever doubt the sincerity of my words,
this comes from my heart, to you I'd say

the charging bull, the zodiac sign of Taurus
protector-guardian, but sometimes you gore us
but mostly you're generous, and kind I sing
beautiful and strong, continues the chorus

and that's why I write now, if I may dare
and dedicate forever, for you, my care
so if you ever need anything
I will be there for you, I swear