Saturday, November 12, 2005

Looks vs Personality: The Non-existant Battle

I was watching "What Not To Wear" today. It's actually quite an entertaining show. But what really caught my attention was something the "victim" said when asked about her lack of using make-up. It is actually something that many women answer with when asked the same question.

She said, "I don't like my looks to be the first thing people notice. Instead, I want it to be just an enhancement that stays in the background".

Needless to say, I find that mentality rediculous. Basically, what she (or he, some men say the same about getting a good haircut or a decent outfit) is saying is that her sel-esteem is so low that she thinks that anything she does to her looks would completely drown out her personality.

Naturally, this is not what those people want to say. It is just a sad attempt to make up an answer that might seem intelligent. They just don't want to say that they are too boring/lazy to take care of their looks. If you truly have a strong personality then you would want your looks to match.

Friday, November 04, 2005

My Personal Arabic Movie Awards:

Personal fav Arabic movie: Toyoor El-Zalam (Birds of The Dark)
very realistic and shocking depiction of Egyptian socity/politics, amazing acting by the lead actors, masterpiece

Best Arabic movie from a technical perspective: Tito
Tito is a breakthrough in Arabic movie-making standards in production. Original (very good) soundtrack, relatively big budget scenes, decent actors and no miscasts. It is somewhat weak on the drama/plot side. However, it is definately a big step ahead of its predecessor in "big-budget" Arabic movie, Mafia.

Best B&W Arabic movie: Share3 El-7obb (Street of Love)
The mixture of romance and humour in this movie is very good. The story is quite interesting as you watch the story unfold while both lead roles are unaware of the deception of each other. The movie also includes some of the best songs by Abdel-Halim Hafez and Sabah.

Best movie starring a contemporary singer: As7ab Walla Business (Friends or Business?)
The movie starts as a typical "shababi" movie. However, the plot grows into a very emotional and "political" one eventually. Thus pushing the characters themselves to mature as well. I also think that Moustafa Amar is one of the best singers when he takes on acting.

Best "experimental" movie: Tayeh fi America (Lost in America)
Unknown director, unusual selection of actors, foreign setting, large selection of foreign actors... together, all these elements make this a very "experimental" movie. However, the movie IS quite engaging. As a matter of fact, in many ways this movie seems very "Hollywoodish". Keep up the good work guys!

FINALLY - the award for best Arabic movie "critically" goes to: EL-ERHAB WEL KABAB (Terrorism and Shish-Kabab)
What can I say! This movie is possibly the best Arabic movie ever made! The very colorful collection of characters, the realistic setting that turns into a very unrealistic situation (yet highly feasible if you live in Egypt), the very funny padding... If this movie was a cake, then it is a chocolate one, with chocolate icing and fruit syrup!