Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Review of the Arabic movie "Tito"

This movie is very ambitious in its production values, very much like another Ahmad Saqqa movie "Mafia".

However, Tito starts out very well, (in terms of the plot itself)... continues on a ramp until around halfway through... and then falls flat!

It is hard for me not to compare Tito with Mafia since they seemed so similar. They both were funded well (as evident by the foreign locations, good chase and fight scenes, expensive cast), looked good, and feature great cinematography.

Nonetheless... Tito is a much better movie due to much better dialogue and casting, and a more engaging plot.

However, Tito suffers from what I call "tone concentration". Meaning, the high-tone (action, adventure, danger) is all concentrated in the first half. While all the "talking" is at the second half. Also, the pace with which the plot advances slows down dramatically. This makes the viewer lose interest long before the ending (instead of holding the viwer's attention to the dialogue by interweaving it with the action).

I will conclude this "review" by applauding the attempt though. This movie was a sincere try to raise the bar on the production values we have "suffered through" with most Arabic movies. It also has an engaging story (albeit not all the way).


Sunday, March 06, 2005

The Beginning

Well... this is it... my very first blog entry...

I will begin by some random thoughts that often occur to me:

I like Toronto. It is a nice city. It has that mixture of life and silence in the same time. Some parts of downtown Toronto remind me of those slums in the movie Spawn. Not from the dirty perspective but from the dark, damp, sad part of it. I haven't spent a really long time in Toronto, but I already feel like it was meant to be the place where I call home.

Through the years I have met quite a few people who have impacted my life in different ways. Some of them I came to consider "remarkable". Each of you know who you are so I won't name anyone. But suffice it to say that you may consider these few words a tribute to all of you.

I wanted this to be a place for me to pose my questions to the world, and also tell the world what I think is worth saying (some very close people think I don't say much... so I think when I do it is actually worth listening).