Wednesday, July 26, 2006


In an attempt to find out how "the other side" views things, I stumbled upon this. It's quite interesting to see how you can completely cover your eyes when it comes to anything that makes you look bad.

Our friend here supposedly describes the progress of the Zionist terror attack against Lebanon. I went ahead and read through his "coverage" of the last couple of days (July 25 and 26) and noticed a few very peculiar trends:
1. All references to any Lebanese resistance groups involve being described either as Terrorist, or any other demeaning (albeit occasionally politically-correct) connotation.
2. All Zionist military losses or casualties are understated.
3. All civilian Jewish casualties in Palestine are either overstated, or made to include those of Palestinians (mostly caused by Zionist operations).
4. Zionist forces' alleged accomplishments, morale, and all Lebanese resistance losses are EXTREMELY overstated.
5. Lebanese civilian losses (or rather, atrocities committed by the Zionist forces) are almost entirely omitted.

Zionists and their supported, evidently, continue exercising their ability to twist facts, ignore them, or cover them altogether, if it is more suitable. Why not! They have been practicing for 60 years!

A huge example of this is the bombing of the UN post which sent 4 UN observers to an untimely death. Here are some interesting facts about the incident:
1. Zionists have been shelling the general area for quite some time before the "accident".
2. The UN observers in question requested more than TEN times that the IDF would cease fire.
3. Oddly enough, the post was not taken out by said-shelling. Instead, it was the result of a guided missile! (I might be mistaken, but I thought the use of a "guided" missile usually implies a deliberate action).

While Hizb Allah has made it clear that they are avoiding hitting chemical plants (despite their primitive weaponry) and delivered on the promise so to avoid the risks to civilians, Zionists continue using PRECISION attacks with state-of-the-art weapons against all kinds of civilian targets in Lebanon. In addition, they continue to pound humanitarian aid attempts coming into Lebanon with complete disregard to any sense of humanity.

So, to that blogger I say: Nice work buddy. The Zionist PR machine must be paying you well!

The "Middle" East

The Middle East is ablaze!

On the inside, Zionists continue their merciless, evergoing campaign against the oppressed, occupied people of Palestine. Those people are fighting back, nevertheless, with everything they have.

On the outside, they are trying as hard as they can to perform the task handed to them by the US (that is, the elimination of Hizb Allah) but finding it a much harder task than they thought. Those valiant defenders of Lebanon are fighting a battle to the death to protect their Lebanon, something the Lebanese government itself is unable to do. Jews living in Northern Palestine are paying the price, however. As the Lebanese resistance is retaliating for the Zionist massacres by sending 100s of rockets to Haifa, Kriat Shmoneh and others. Already several prominent names from the Jewish community are raising their voices against the Zionist government, saying that they only serving the interests of the US and not of the Jews in Palestine.

In Iraq, the catastrophic results of the American incursion continues. As Iraqi sects are now locked into a bloody, senseless civil war. Hundreds of Iraqis have already died at the hands of their own countrymen.

Funny how every time the Americans get involved somewhere, disasters follow! (eg. Palestine, Lebanon, Vietnam, Korea, Japan, Columbia, Guatemala, ...)