Monday, April 07, 2014

single-winged angel

Soaring above the world...
I have seen many lands and many seas

Here with a deed and there with a word...
Some thank me with smiles, some with tears

An angel of mercy, so they me call...
Even as I realize, it's merely my call

But I answer in a modest voice...
And to myself I say

That I have but a single wing...
So easy to go astray, but:

No, the wise say back...
You are so much more

For if you were a single-winged angel...
How - pray tell - over so many skies would you soar

But an angel you are, kind, filled with light...
So, allow to us bask in your halo, so bright

- Faris


Blogger Vman said...

:) Thats was a surprise to read !

Well said (and written!)

4:40 AM  
Blogger The One said...

Rantman himself! I'm honored. But do tell me, seeing that this is your first comment... why was this one the one to get your reaction, in particular?

6:58 AM  

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