Thursday, September 17, 2009

Sheer Brilliance!

Americans, let's face it, are pretty smart!

They play off different pieces against each other strategically, trying to vilify one and victimize the other. Which is most apparent in the Afghanistan "mission" as they label it.

Afghanistan, a county so poor and so remote, that can only possibly affect Canada by the increasing number of its immigrants into Canada, has suddenly become the leading cause of death for Canadian soldiers.

I think part of it is jealousy. America and Americans, for the longest time, have been the object of animosity and ridicule by most societies in the world; due to their recklessness, obnoxiousness, and general lack of manners and regard to others. Not to mention their imperial style of foreign policy.

On the other hand, try to show your Canadian passport anywhere in the world, and the first surprise you might encounter is, you do not require an entry visa! Canada has been viewed in a positive light in most of modern history by the world. Canadians are seen as polite, peaceful and charitable people. The list of countries that consider Canada as a friend has been very long and probably couldn't grow anymore.

Of course, our American neighbours can't have this. So they attempt to mar it by throwing Canada (with the help of their puppet, Stephen Harper) into as many conflicts as possible under the claim of "peace forces".

This is brilliant because it quite effectively kills the 2 proverbial birds with one stone. On one end, it demonizes resistance movements in areas of tension and shows them as savages, indiscriminately killing off the peaceful, nice Canadians. On the other hand, it puts Canada in the same trench as the US (after all, who of us would like to see militant foreign forces manipulating the affairs of their country). Thus bringing the Canadian-image down to a closer level to that of the US.

Americans are brilliant, I tell you.


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