Thursday, August 04, 2005

The Arab World

Today marks the beginning of my writing about "important" issues here on blogspot. Some of you may have read some of my stuff on arabfiles or Freedom Voice (as TheOne). Be as it may, I have always been pissed off about the way things happen in this world. Specially when it comes to Politics and/or Religion.

So I finally decided to vent my frustration (or sometimes, express my joy) at things that happen in the Arab/Islamic world. Which is why am here!

While I try to form something more coherent, I will take the time to talk about some other related blogs. I will start off with 2 and then add more as I go...

First and foremost, FROM CAIRO WITH LOVE comes as one of my fav reads any day! Mohammed surely knows how to tell us about Egypt in a way that continues to seem personal and entertaining (while in reality very factual and observant!). I would not be surprised if the posts there got published one day as a book!

Of course, another reason why I like it so much is because it revolves about my motherland, Egypt! Which I intend to write about later as well!

On another note, bitter-sarcasm that is, comes another favourite: The legends of SYRIA EXPOSED. A blog driven by the bitter reality of how things are in the real-life Syria. Many of the posts are written in the very funny "MYTH #X" style, and discuss various issues of the Syrian society, as viewed from the perspective of "Karfan" (Arabic for "disgusted").

I am truly impressed with the writing styles I found by some of the Arabs on the blogger community. It is really refreshing to see such mature, well-educated mentalities out there. It comes as no surprise that the Arabworld is experiencing a new wave of intellect and "revolution" these days. I truly hope that the future is going to be brighter, thanks to individuals like those.

Enjoy... and cheers to you guys!


Blogger Tarek said...

Since 90% of the people suck, then 90% of Arabs suck.
I have grown up to believe that arabs suck more than other people do, mainly because we were surrounded by European "western" culture.
After living in the US for a year, I am sad to say that 90% of the world sucks. Evenly Distributed.

11:57 PM  
Blogger Tarek said...

90% rule courtesy of Sturgeon's Law

12:02 AM  
Blogger The One said...

True... I prefer the quote the "elite" theory in these cases though. There are always 10% of the people who were born to rule. The other 90 are there just to carry them on their shoulders.

7:40 AM  

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